When we talk of experience we refer to the whole of it all; that which arises through birth and seemingly ceases at death. All is included in this, even the ‘history’ that is revealed, or given access to, by the happening of experience; by one’s Being and Awareness. In the same way, though the future is never wholly upon one’s Being, through experience the future can be projected upon and is revealed as a constant element of experience. Can we be sure of a future if our Being is no longer here to be aware of it? Were we aware of the past, history, before we Became?

In one sense experience seems to carry on effortlessly. In another sense there is always effort being put into the continuance of experience. One does not have to bring about the next moment through their will, it just comes upon one’s Being as time unfolds. Yet, one’s human Being must sustain itself through the passing moments. It must survive to experience. Effort is also found in the decisions that one faces in momentary experience. One is presented with possible ways to act. Some of these possibilities lie outside of one’s awareness while others are so obviously present they impede access to other possibilities. The overwhelming presence of what is common.

From the perspective of the individual consciousness this experience seems to have just come about. The individual just finds their self experiencing. The individual did not will their self into being; it seemingly came out of nowhere; nothingness. Yet once the individual becomes aware of his or her origins, the individual may then become aware of the effort which provided for the coming about of experience. Through the efforts, or the will, of others in the decisions they made in their momentary experience the individual was given grounds to come into this state of experience.

The awareness of choices and of the decisions to be made gives experience its weight. One is pressed with how one will go about. An awareness of so many possibilities, of the intricacies of each decision and what each decision may bring about, and the constant element of uncertainty; these things increase the weight of experience on one’s Being and Awareness.